Thursday, August 30, 2007

This Years Themes... Explained

So you see the list to vote on but you may not know what they mean. So here is a handy dandy guide to this years potential themes.

If you have a suggestion for this years party just add a comment to this post detailing your idea.

This theme was inspired by the Sci-Fi Channels "Who wants to be a Superhero". It is simple really, you can choose to be a childhood hero of yours to a made up hero. Don't forget we need villains! It is Halloween after all.

TV Icons...
This one has so many costume ideas it's insane. Be anything from Gomez Addams to the Bionic Woman.

Pimp 'N Ho...
Does this one need any explanation? We've had a Pimp and Ho party back in '02. The OG's had a great time but we know many of you missed out on the action. So if you would like a revisit just smack that bitch up and vote.

Are you so goth you shit bats? Then this is the theme for you! Explore your dark side and hatred for all life. If you are looking to pick up chicks at the goth party here is a website that can help and no it isn't that gay ass Mystery guy. Goth Gary - How to pick up chicks


Anonymous said...

Come on. What's more fun that a bunch of pimps and hos?

Anonymous said...

Würde lieben zu kommen, heiße Weibchen und Esel zu sehen!

Anonymous said...

Does dressing as your favorite Senator count?????

Anonymous said...

For those that don't speak German very well, the post above says:

I would love to come and see hot bi*&ches and a$$.

Obviously I tried to clean it up some.

Anonymous said...

The google language translation was
"To come will love, be called female and donkey to see!"

You can check that out at

Thanks for the real translation!

Anonymous said...

Demostrarme tus pechos